- Free Rice - An online vocabulary game that doubles as a charitable donation tool
- lifehack.org - Daily digest and pointers on productivity, getting things done and lifehacks
- Wired - Wired magazine and its corresponding website is what I wish local and national news programs would look at for inspiration
- 43 Folders - Personal productivity, life hacks, and simple ways to make your life a little better
- A Brief Message - Design opinions expressed in short form—200 words or less
- Endless Innovation - The blog content on this one is fine, but what is amazing is the links list on the left side of the page
- getFreshMinds - "Ideas so fresh - they should be slapped!"
- kottke.org - Liberal Arts 2.0
- Lifehacker - Tech tricks to "turbocharge your day"
- Presentation Zen - Garr Reynold's blog on issues related to professional presentation design
- scottberkun.com - Scott Berkun's blog on creativity, innovation and managing people
- TED - Inspired talks by the world's greatest thinkers and doers
- Pop!Tech - A network of remarkable people, extraordinary conferences, powerful ideas & innovative projects that are changing the world
- iStockPhoto - a phenomenal resource for inexpensive images to splash up your presentations, blog posts, or other designs
- Template Monster - I love looking around the designs on this site to get inspired when I'm trying to figure out a design layout for a website or a PowerPoint presentation
- SparkBugg.com - Showcasing ideas that deserve to be shared - so many ideas go no further than a person's mind, so I love seeing them going to good use
- Dan Pink's blog - author of "A Whole New Mind", which is currently one of my very favorite books
- Seth Godin's blog - I'm still figuring out if I think this guy is a genius or a complete lunatic (or both), but meanwhile I sure enjoy thinking about what he has to say
- Idea Sandbox - Blogging about remarkability, creative problem solving, and brand building
- ChangeThis - "A form of media that uses existing tools (like PDFs, blogs and the web) to challenge the way ideas are created and spread"
- bad banana - Just a great ideas/inspiration blog, mostly about making things better than creating from scratch
- Better Than New - A smattering of interesting links every day, lots of food for thought here
- Wishful Thinking - "Creativity, coaching and business, how they fit together and whether the seams show"
- Asgeir Hoem blog - A Blog on Design, Typography, Creativity and Randomness
- Before & After - Jumpstarting the creative process in business
- Outside Innovation - Letting customers lead the design of business processes, products, services, and business models
- HELLO, My Name is Blog - Scott Ginsberg's blog about approachability
- Innovating to Win - Observations from the front line on building the high performance innovation organization
- NussbaumOnDesign - Innovation and Design articles from BusinessWeek
- Virtual Economics - Seamus McCauley on the collision of news publishing, digital media and technology
- Creative Class Group - Richard Florida and the Creative Class Exchange
- Edge Perspectives - "The Only Sustainable Edge:Why Business Strategy Depends on Productive Friction and Dynamic Specialization"
- AdPulp - Daily Juice from the Ad Biz
- Innoblog - Innosight's blog is kind of all over the place about innovation but it definitely works, and is becoming a very regular read
- Talent Imitates, Genius Steals - My favorite innovation sites think like I do, finding the relationships between things you normally don't think of as being related, and pulling an innovative idea out of that strange marriage
- Rough Type - Nicholas Carr's blog, mainly about the business and cultural implications of information technology
- Social Media with Bud Caddell - marketing, social media, and web development
- On Social Marketing and Social Change - News and views about, well, what the title of the site says
- Marginal Revolution - Small steps toward a much better world
- Logic + Emotion - By David Armano, I recommend just clicking and looking instead of listening to any words about this I can try and convince you with
- ThinkExist.com - My favorite resource for quotes, the first place I go to for a better, more succinct way of saying something
- BrainStore - A rather fun "IdeaFactory" to rummage through and see what strikes your innovation fancy
- Idea Generator - A tool that generates the spark for countless ideas
- Games for the Brain - Play these games and get exercise on a regular basis and your brain will be amazing well into your wrinkly years
- Read/WriteWeb - Web Technology news, reviews and analysis
- IdeaList - A place to post your ideas (and read the ones others have posted)
- Crowdsourcing - taking a job traditionally performed by a designated agent (usually an employee) and outsourcing it to an undefined, generally large group of people in the form of an open call
- 50 Most Innovative Companies List - This one is interesting to look at and think about each company and why they made it (and, perhaps, why the one you work for didn't, and how to change that)
- Slow Leadership - Returning humanity to working life, this one is a good place to go when your work-life balance is misaligned
- 26 Reasons What You Think is Right is Wrong
- Innovation Zen - More interesting ways to look at innovation, somewhat by questioning what we think we know as truth
- Everybody Loves Free Stuff - A blog about interesting, unique free promo swag
- Stop Death By PowerPoint - Seriously, cut it out
- From Where I Sit - Michael S Hyatt's blog, with lots of great tips on maximizing life
- Beyond Bullets - The supporting website for the Beyond Bullet Points books, an excellent resource for making presentation slide decks meaningful
- Bootstrapper - Amazing site of helpful lists and tips that are very much in line with what I'm trying to learn and teach myself
- SlideShare - A multitude of presentation slide decks, on many different subjects (several, interestingly, on making better slide decks)
- Litemind - A great blog about using not just our minds, but our time, more effectively
- Think Simple. Be Decisive. - Simple steps to positive change and outcomes
- Amazon - This might seem like an odd inclusion, but if you bounce from one book on a topic you're interested in to another for a while, you'll quickly find a treasure trove of information and new resources in the process
- Firstgiving - A wonderful tool for raising money for charity, as well as finding charities you might be interested in supporting
- Escape From Cubicle Nation - I believe I can be successful as an entrepreneur (a.k.a. the book I am writing) as well as cubicle dweller at the company I have come to love working for, and I love sites like this because they make me take a "run it like you own it" attitude to any endeavor I take on
- tompeters! - I aspire to one day create something half as amazing as his book Sixty (his took sixty years so I have time to work on it I guess)
- Chief Happiness Officer - Totally want this job now
- Made to Stick - A blog by the authors of the book sitting on my shelf waiting to be the very next one I read (promise)
- Brazen Careerist - "Advice at the intersection of work and life" by Penelope Trunk
- Church of the Customer - Never lose sight of the customer, especially if you are in a cubicle-infested business environment
- The Freak Factor - "Discovering uniqueness by flaunting weakness" - a unique blog concept by David Rendall that works to make you a better you (instead of someone else)
- Mind Moleskine - Great techniques and suggestions for making the most of your mind
- Creative Think - Roger von Oech's blog, maybe the funniest I have read when it comes to creativity
- Apple.com - I spend oodles of time sifting through the Downloads section for new toys to improve my life (or give me a false sense they are doing so, anyway...)
- slickdeals.net - Another site I didn't think would be on this list when I started it, but it's a one stop shopping place for helping me make sure I get the best price on the tools I use to create with
- Comixtalk - Since I am planning on intermingling sequential art (a.k.a. "comics") in the book I'm working on (and since I used to be a contributing writer of the site and passionate webcomics enthusiast), I come back here often to stay in touch with industry goings-on
- The Cranking Widgets Blog - A unique perspective on many of the topics discussed on Getting Things Done (GTD) related blogs, with the unique ability to turn things inside out for a different perspective
- Organize IT - Advice on organization that hopefully leads to productivity, which we could all use more of yes?
- zen habits - implementing good habits for good living
- Ian's Messy Desk - He spells his name incorrectly (ahem), but other than that I can't fault his helpful and fun blog
- Your Best Just Got Better - Jason Womack seems to think a lot like I'm thinking lately... I think
- Weight Watchers - I've dropped almost 40 pounds so far, and I enjoy my food more than ever - I am inspired daily by the new abilities I have resulting from weighing less (like waking up in the morning without fierce pain in my back)
- What's the next action - Another terrific GTD blog, with one of my favorite features of a blog - links to other terrific sites in virtually every post
- LifeDev - The passion of the writing on this site comes through like few other productivity-related sites I've read
- The 2Time Mgt Blog - Be more productive by your own standards
- Matt's Idea Blog - A personal productivity consultant and blogger specializing in "modern workflow techniques", I find he writes on a lot of things other similar blogs miss
- Free Business Cards - As in, set them free from your constrictive view of what they are and imagine what they might be, the potential they hold
- Successful Blog - That's the goal, after all... one of them anyway
- Innovation Tools - A must visit (frequently) for people passionate about the exploration and creation of innovation
- Brain Based Biz - Bridging the gap between business and art, via your mind
- Creating Passionate Users -
- The Happy Burro - "Maximizing organizational performance" via a consistently entertaining and enlightening blog
- All Things Workplace - I'm constantly striving to maintain passion for what I do in my cubicle job, and sites like this help keep me going
- Creative Inspiration - Blogging by Deborah Khan about creativity leading to better communication
- The Think Different Challenge - I encourage you to take it (I will be doing so myself in the coming few days)
- The Ripple Effect - Your actions, thoughts, and words ripple, both inwardly and outwardly, and this blog helps me become more aware of that
- Rethinking - Donna Steinhorn is a success coach and blogger, both of which I am in some capacity now, both of which I ought to learn from others like Donna to become better at
- The Onion - Because we all need some humor in our days
- NPR - Because I like to have my sources for "The News" and "The Latest on Britney Spears" separated clearly in my life
- soupornuts.com - We are responsible for defining our own success, here's a blog that tries to sincerely help with that responsibility
- Perspectives - Donna Karlin is obviously committed to helping new leadership grow, and frankly there is never enough encouragement of leadership greatness, regardless of who you are referring to or what position they hold in a company, at school, or in life
- ProBlogger - I'll need to seriously look to this and other blogs like it as my book proceeds, to make sure I reach who I want to reach with it
- 100 Sites I Seek Inspiration From - Hey now that I have this great list, why wouldn't I come back to it for inspiration?!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
100 Sites I Seek Inspiration From
Posted by
Iain Hamp
8:10 PM
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Nice list. There are a couple of sites I know and look at regularly but many I haven't heard of. :-)
Great list. I agree with a lot of your rankings. I subscribe to Seth Godin's blog and Dan Pink's blog. I read Godin every day and there is always something that I can use or share with a friend.
Thanks for making The Freak Factor #68. I'm glad you like the concept.
David Rendall
What a wealth of information! No doubt this is one of the bests blogs I visited today. I'll recommend it.
Iain, thanks for sharing this list! Really an inspiring one, on a broad range of topics, with a number I haven't visited before.
great stuff. Some very useful sites here. I am a big believer in giving out useful and insightful knowledg for free.
Knowledge should be shared, and some of these sites certainly live up to this important tenet.
Thanks for including soupornuts.com in your list at number 97. I really appreciate it.
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